Saturday, February 21, 2009

A cleaner, saner boat

You'll all be happy to know, I'm sure, that I finally got the boat to conform to my idea of an acceptable environment in which to exist. "Whipped it into shape", as my mother would say. Under the pile of crap at the left (this pile was for real-- not artificially created) turned out to be our navigation station, which you can now see pictured at the right. It doesn't always look this nice, but it usually looks pretty close. Photo just below is a view from the bow of the boat; I'm standing in our berth, looking through to the galley. The navigation station is opposite the galley, to the left and out of sight in this picture.

Photo below is the galley. The last two shots are taken from the stairs at the companionway visible at the left in the photo above, the one with me in it. The blur of light above the stairs is the cockpit. She's a pretty boat, and has a very open, airy feel inside, compared to most older sailboats.

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